Education: Basic Education
Below you can find a list of global indicators relating to Basic Education, a sub-theme of Education.
Save the Children's Basic Education work is focused on improving learning outcomes for children in both formal and non-formal education systems. We aim to ensure that all children, particularly the most deprived, have access to high quality and inclusive basic education that is safe and effective for learning. While Save the Children's basic education is often confined to grades 1-5, many governments have expanded the definition to include secondary education, and SDG 4 calls for every child to complete a primary and secondary education.
More information on the Education theme and its subthemes can be found on OneNet. If you feel that an important indicator is missing, please propose it by using the contact option above.
Children Achieving Foundational level in Literacy
- Accelerated Education learners reading proficiency
- Children achieving grade 1 Literacy
- Children achieving grade 2 Literacy
- Children achieving grade 3 Literacy
- Children achieving grade 4 Literacy
- Children achieving grade 5 Literacy
- Children in Catch-up Clubs who achieve highest reading level
- Children in Literacy Boost Projects reading with comprehension
- Minimum proficiency in reading in grade 2 or 3
Children Achieving Foundational level in Numeracy
- Children achieving grade 1 Numeracy
- Children achieving grade 2 Numeracy
- Children achieving grade 3 Numeracy
- Children achieving grade 4 Numeracy
- Children achieving grade 5 Numeracy
- Children in Catch-up Clubs who gain numeracy skills
- Children in Numeracy Boost gain numeracy skills
- Minimum proficiency in maths in grade 2 or 3
Improved mental health and/or psychosocial wellbeing (MHPSS)
Other Strategy Indicators
- Teaching self-assessed at a proficient competency level
- Access to documentation for children on the move
- Children benefiting from climate resilience in education
- Children completing grade, level or program
- Children with improved SEL skills
- Community engagement to advance gender equality
- Gender equitable norms
- Students perceiving high level of safety in school environment