Health & Nutrition: Maternal, Newborn & Reproductive Health

Below you can find a list of global indicators relating to Maternal, Newborn & Reproductive Health, a sub-theme of Health and Nutrition.

Save the Children’s MNRH work is organized around support for the delivery of three primary packages of services: (a) family planning and reproductive health, (b) ante-natal care, and (c) intra-partum and post-natal care. The organization places particular emphasis on community-based service provision and achieving universal coverage of quality care for mothers and newborns during the time of birth.

More information on the Health & Nutrition theme and its subthemes can be found on OneNet. If you feel that an important indicator is missing, please propose it by using the contact option above.

Safe, accessible, accountable, and participatory assistance delivery

 Women receiving postnatal health check within 2 days of delivery