Climate Resilience
Below you can find a list of global indicators relating to Climate Resilience, a SCI Cross-Cutting Theme.
Climate Resilience is where we aim to make adjustments in natural and human systems in response to actual or expected climate change and their effects on nature and people. For Save the Children, Climate Resilience is principally about practical measures in programming, policy and advocacy which reduce vulnerabilities and increase resilience of children and their communities from the negative effects of climate change. This definition captures the concept of disaster risk reduction, environment sustainability and climate change adaptation.
More information on the Climate Resilience cross-cutting theme can be found on OneNet. If you feel that an important indicator is missing, please propose it by using the contact option above.
Diversified/climate-resilient livelihood options
Other Strategy Indicators
- Children benefiting from climate resilience in education
- Children covered by climate-health information system
- Climate resilience of child protection service providers
- Climate Resilient WASH in Health Facilities
- Health workers using climate-health information
- Participants taking locally-led climate risk reduction actions