Education: Early Childhood Care & Development

Below you can find a list of global indicators relating to Early Childhood Care & Development (ECCD), a sub-theme of Education.

The early years of life are critical not only for individual health and physical development, but for cognitive and social-emotional development. Save the Children's Early Childhood Care and Development work aims to ensure that children from birth through the age of 8 receive the care they require for healthy physiological, emotional, and cognitive development, and ensure they are ready for effective transition into basic education. Our ECCD work overlaps with our Basic Education work during the early primary years (ages 6 to 8) due to the importance of the transition between home/pre-school and primary school or other basic education platforms.

More information on the Education theme and its subthemes can be found on OneNet. If you feel that an important indicator is missing, please propose it by using the contact option above.

Early childhood development index of children 0-71 months

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