
This Indicator Library, developed by Save the Children International, consists of a list of quality assured Global Indicators. Global Indicators are the indicators that measure the key results from our projects globally, which we have prioritized to develop tools to support our work in countries and to enable cross-project analysis. 
Each indicator in the Indicator Library contains detailed guidance, including means of verification, measurement guidance, and definitions. 


What are the Global Indicators?  

The Global Indicators are a rigorously vetted, ready to use resource for countries. Using these tried and tested indicators and the measurement tools that come with it provides the below benefits to countries:

  • Save time for country staff  

    • Reduce rework in designing logframes and measurement – and over time, automate common analyses 

  • Drive cultural shift towards outcome focus 

    • Orient our focus toward the outcomes we most care about as an organization, to drive more impact for children 

  • Use data more effectively and tell our impact story 

    • Improve management of design, delivery, and portfolio, automate strategy reporting, and inform our advocacy and resource mobilization and allocation 

The recommendation is to use at least one Global Outcome Indicator per outcome, where they are relevant and feasible to use, i.e. where they are a relevant outcome for the intervention being undertaken and where there is no limitation from the donor on what indicator to use.


More information including detailed FAQs can be found on our internal Save the Children OneNet page here.