Child Rights Governance: Good Governance Delivers Children's Rights

Below you can find a list of global indicators relating to Good Governance Delivers Children's Rights (GG), a sub-theme of Child Rights Governance (CRG).

Save the Children's Good Governance work focusses on the supply side of child rights governance. Through this work, we aim to ensure that laws, policies and resources work for children through open, inclusive, and accountable state institutions and other measures.

More information on the CRG theme and its subthemes can be found on OneNet. If you feel that an important indicator is missing, please propose it by using the contact option above.

Safe, accessible, accountable, and participatory assistance delivery

Supported Children and Civil Society Actors Reporting Enhanced Ability to Exercise Civil Rights and Navigate Civic Space Challenges

Supported Duty Bearers and Service Providers Reporting Enhanced Capacities to Uphold Children's Rights