Minimum proficiency in reading in grade 2 or 3

Indicator Name

% of children & young people in grade 2 or 3 achieving at least minimum proficiency level in reading

Indicator ID in PRIME




This indicator measures the percentage of children and/or young people at the relevant stage of education achieving or exceeding a pre-defined proficiency level in reading. 
Please use the MEAL PIRS to specify the grade or program level chosen, the tools used and where possible the thresholds (for example % score) appropriate for the relevant level.  

The Country Offices should decide which grade competencies (curricula) are most relevant to measure, grade 2 or 3 curriculum. Proficiency level should be equivalent to pre-defined by national standards, formal, non-formal or other.   
Where national curricula do not exist, please consult Global Proficiency Framework for decision on thresholds (UNESCO): Global Proficiency Framework for Reading (


Please use MEAL PIRS to state the total number of children registered in the project(s). If a sample learning assessment survey was used please use MEAL PIRS under Source of Data to show sampling method, sample size, confidence level, confidence interval, size of target population and the effect size where a comparison group was also assessed.


Number of students in target grade that reached minimum proficiency threshold in reading 


Total number of students assessed.


 Please use MEAL PIRS to state the total number of children registered in the project(s). If a sample learning assessment survey was used please use MEAL PIRS under Source of Data to show sampling method, sample size, confidence level, confidence interval, size of target population and the effect size where a comparison group was also assessed.

Recommended Means of Verification

Measuring this indicator requires using the Early Grade Reading Assessment (EGRA) or Literacy Boost Assessment guidance. To measure this indicator, divide the number of children and/or young people in grades 2 or 3 who have achieved at least the minimum proficiency level in literacy by the total number of children and/or young people in grades 2 or 3. Multiply the result by 100 to convert it to a percentage.


Assessments can be done through sample survey (preferably randomized) or assessment of all students. 

Means of Verification is required to be aligned with national standards. These can be national, regional or international assessments tests, such as government tools in given country, Early Grade Reading Assessment (EGRA), UWEZO, the Literacy Boost Assessment guidance or other acknowledged tools.   


Please use the MEAL PIRS to specify the grade or program level chosen, the tools used and where possible the thresholds (for example % score) appropriate for the relevant level.


See recommended tool: MEAL Educations Tools Page: Early Grade Reading Assessment (EGRA) Toolkit | Education Links (


Indicator Attributes

Indicator Prioritisation

Global Indicator

Level of Indicator


Indicator Context Type




Sub Theme

Basic Education

Total Reach Indicator






Measurement GuidanceĀ 

Frequency of Data Collection


Unit of Measure


Data Format


Direction of Desired Change


Number of Decimal Points


Indicator is Rounding




Recommended Disaggregations

Disability, Gender , Settlement, Migration Status

Additional Guidance

This guidance was prepared by Mya Gordon ©

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