Child Poverty: Adolescent Skills for Successful Transitions

Below you can find a list of global indicators relating to Adolescent Skills for Successful Transitions (ASST), a sub-theme of Child Poverty. 

Save the Children's ASST work provides adolescents and youth with capabilities (i.e. skills, attitudes, knowledge, and behaviors) and opportunities for obtaining decent and productive work, as well as agency, hope, and aspirations for their life chances. It focusses on gender sensitive and inclusive programmes, policies, and systems working at scale with highly deprived and at risk adolescents and youth. Note: We define adolescents and youth as a stage of social development between childhood and adulthood rather than within a specific age range, given that the physical, psychological, and cultural expressions of a specific age may differ across contexts.

More information on the Child Poverty theme and its subthemes can be found on OneNet. If you feel that an important indicator is missing, please propose it by using the contact option above.

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