Gender Equality

Below you can find a list of global indicators relating to Gender Equality, a SCI Cross-Cutting Theme.

Gender equality refers to the absence of discrimination on the basis of sex and gender. For Save the Children, gender equality is when one sex or gender is not routinely privileged or prioritized over another, and all people are recognized, respected and values for their capacities and potential as individuals and members of society. Further, gender equality is when all people, girls, boys, women and men have equal rights, obligations and opportunities to: Security and good health; A viable livelihood and dignified work; Participate in the care of home and dependent family members; Take active part in public and political life; Learn and participate in relevant education; and Live a life free from violence. 

More information on the Gender Equality cross-cutting theme can be found on OneNet. If you feel that an important indicator is missing, please propose it by using the contact option above.

Decision-making power for Girls/women

Supported Duty Bearers and Service Providers Reporting Enhanced Capacities to Uphold Children's Rights