Capacity of duty bearers to uphold children's rights
Indicator Name
Indicator ID in PRIME
Indicator Variation IDs
IN00023242 [%/Annually/Gender Group Tr/Cum]
This indicator measures the percentage of duty bearers and/or service providers supported by Save the Children (SC) and/or its partners who report enhanced capacities to uphold children's rights. The indicator reflects the success of SC's interventions in building the abilities of duty bearers and service providers to better fulfill their obligations towards children's rights.
The number of duty bearers and/or service providers reporting enhanced capacities to uphold children's rights.
The total number of surveyed duty bearers and/or service providers supported by SC and/or its partners.
Surveys and Interviews: Structured surveys and interviews with duty bearers and service providers to collect self-reported data on changes in their capacities to uphold children's rights.
To calculate the indicator, divide the number of individual duty bearers reporting improved capacities to uphold children's rights by the total number of individual duty bearers supported or the size of a representative sample of individual duty bearers supported by Save the Children (SC) and/or its partners. Multiply the result by 100 to convert it to a percentage.
The indicator aims to assess the effectiveness of SC's support in strengthening the capacities of duty bearers and service providers, enabling them to fulfill their responsibilities and obligations in promoting and protecting children's rights.