Participants taking locally-led climate risk reduction actions

Indicator Name

% of participants who take action to reduce locally-determined climate or environmental risks

Indicator ID in PRIME




This indicator measures the percentage of participants (children, community members, community leaders) with increased capacity to lead actions that reduce climate and/or environmental risks to their household and/or community.
To qualify, communities and children must take a leading role in the identification and prioritization of climate and/or environmental risk, utilising scientific and community/traditional knowledge and information. 
When risk reduction actions are prioritized by communities they should reduce locally-determined climate or environmental risk. These actions can be at the household or community level, or both. Holistic risk reduction will cover multiple sectors, but individual participants may implement only some actions. Requirements in the Project/Program:
1. Projects must have records of participatory vulnerability and risk assessments for climate or environmental risks.
2. Projects must identify locally-prioritized risk reduction actions. There must be evidence of communities and children leading the prioritization of these actions which are likely to cover multiple sectors.
3. Projects must survey participants to identify those participants that have taken locally-prioritized risk reduction actions.
As a result of interacting, directly or indirectly, with the project participants will-
1. know about local climate or environmental risks
2. know about actions that can reduce this risk and
3. have taken at least one locally-prioritized risk reduction action
Each individual participants will be asked a series of questions related to their knowledge of local climate or environmental risks , their knowledge about locally-prioritized risk reduction actions and whether they have taken any action. 
Over project period, participants or their household should have to qualify ‘yes’ to all of the above three to be counted as ‘Yes”.


Total number of participants who take action to reduce locally-determined climate or environmental risks


Total Number of participants surveyed

Recommended Means of Verification

Measuring this indicator requires looking at baseline/midline/endline surveys as well if possible Annual Survey. A questionnaire based survey needs to be used to for measuring the knowledge of each individual participants on local climate or environmental risks, about actions that can reduce this risk and whether they have taken any action.  When the combination of these 3 criteria holds, this individual can be counted as yes.
Program participants can be the children whom we work with, local leaders and community members where we work. The questionnaire should also collect information from the wider community.
The project should count all surveyed participants who have taken at least one locally-prioritized action for climate or environmental risk reduction as numerator.

Indicator Attributes

Indicator Prioritisation

Global Indicator

Level of Indicator


Indicator Context Type



Child Poverty

Sub Theme

Food Security and Livelihoods

Cross-Cutting Themes

Climate Resilience

Total Reach Indicator


Measurement GuidanceĀ 

Frequency of Data Collection


Unit of Measure


Data Format


Direction of Desired Change


Number of Decimal Points




Recommended Disaggregations

Age Group TR, Disability, Gender Group TR


Key Questions (need to be adjusted to local context and for children):
1. How does climate change/natural hazards/environmental degradation affect your household/community? 
2. Do you know about actions that can reduce this risk? If yes, can you specify some of the actions? How did you come to know about these actions?
3. Have you or your household taken actions to reduce risks during the last X (project period) months or 1 year? If yes, can you specify the actions you have taken?
To qualify, the participants should have to qualify ‘yes’ to all of the above three issues- (1) knowledge of local climate or environmental risks , (2) knowledge about locally-prioritized risk reduction actions and (3) have taken any action,

This guidance was prepared by Sayeed Shahzada ©

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