Usage of Climate Early Warning Systems (EWS)
Indicator Name
Indicator ID in PRIME
This indicator measures the percentage of participants who have based at least one personal/household decision or action on the information received through project supported new or improved Early Warning Systems. Early Warning includes information on the expected occurrence of climate-related hazardous events (e.g. floods, heatwave, drought, hurricane/cyclone/typhoon) and accompanying messages for actions to prepare for and timely respond to the anticipated event.
Examples of use of EWS, include taking preparedness actions, planning and activating anticipatory action to mitigate impact of the climate-related hazard. Examples of use of EWS include number of households evacuating to pre-identified temporary shelters in response to EW information.
Examples of new EWS, include new early warning (multi-hazard or climate-related hazard). New EWS should respond to early warning needs of children and their caregivers.
Examples of improved EWS include changes to existing early warnings. Improvements to existing EWS (including warning alerts and messages tailored to the specific needs of those most at risk) should respond to early warning needs of children and their caregivers. Examples include new, improved and the adoption of multiple communication mediums/channels used for warning dissemination that support more inclusive reach of EW to children and marginalised social groups most directly impacted by climate-related risks; improved accuracy, localisation, or relevance of the EW for at risk communities or specific social or livelihood groups; investing in ensuring confidence of at risk children, communities and supporting governmental and non-governmental agencies and partners to appropriately use and communicate EW; and enabling their active involvement in co-developing user relevant advisories and services.
The number of participants that have used new or improved EWS (Early Warning Systems)
The number of participants receiving new or improved EWS (Early Warning Systems)
A survey is used to record use of new or improved EW. Only beneficiaries who receive the new or improved EW and have based at least one personal or household decision or action on the information received, should be counted. This can include household preparedness actions for climate-related hazards linked to advisories from EWS. Thus, the decision or action was taken in response to receiving e.g. preparedness information, an alert, or early warning message.
Each individual should be only counted once, even if more than one decision or action has been based on received EW. Use of EW requires more detailed and representative surveying directly with at risk children and communities.
The indicator is calculated as the share of participants in percent using EW among all participants receiving EW.
Indicator Prioritisation
Level of Indicator
Indicator Context Type
Sub Theme
Cross-Cutting Themes
Total Reach Indicator
Frequency of Data Collection
Unit of Measure
Data Format
Direction of Desired Change
Number of Decimal Points
Indicator is Rounding
Recommended Disaggregations
Survey questions should be adapted to reflect the new or improvement of the EW that project has supported. A first question should establish that the participant has received project-supported new or improved EW to be eligible to be counted in this indicator.
Have you received information from [insert: project supported EW]?
Have you or someone in your household used this information?
If yes, how? [Note decision/action taken based on the information provided; this can be adapted to the project context]