Upholding rights to equality and non-discrimination

Indicator Name

% of duty bearers and/or service providers supported by SC/partners reporting enhanced capacities to uphold children's rights to equality and non-discrimination

Indicator ID in PRIME




This indicator measures the percentage of duty bearers and/or service providers supported by Save the Children (SC) and/or its partners who report enhanced capacities to uphold children's rights to equality and non-discrimination, on the basis of any ground including but not limited to sexual orientation, gender identity and expression,  sex characteristics, race/ethnicity, disability, nationality and internally displaced, refugee and migrant status, slum residence. The indicator reflects the success of SC's interventions in building the abilities of duty bearers and service providers to better fulfill their obligations towards children's rights to equality and non-discrimination.

The indicator aims to assess the effectiveness of SC's support in strengthening the capacities of duty bearers and service providers, enabling them to fulfill their responsibilities and obligations in promoting and protecting children's rights to equality and non-discrimination.

Level of Data Collection:
Individual Level: Data is collected at the individual level (duty bearers and service providers).


Number of duty bearers and/or service providers supported by SC/partners surveyed who report enhanced capacities to uphold children's rights to equality and non-discrimination


Number of duty bearers and/or service providers supported by SC/partners surveyed

Recommended Means of Verification

The means of verification for this indicator is being developed and will be published in the future.

Indicator Attributes

Indicator Prioritisation

Global Indicator

Level of Indicator


Indicator Context Type



Child Rights Governance (CRG)

Sub Theme

Good Governance Delivers Children's Rights, Monitoring and Demanding Child Rights with Children, Public Investment in Children

Cross-Cutting Themes

Gender Equality, Equality & Disability Inclusion

Total Reach Indicator


Measurement Guidance 

Frequency of Data Collection


Unit of Measure

Service Providers

Data Format


Direction of Desired Change


Number of Decimal Points


Indicator is Rounding



This guidance was prepared by SCI ©

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