# of children participating in learning opportunities
Indicator Name
Indicator ID in PRIME
Children is defined as anyone under the age of 18.
Participating is defined as enrolled in and/or attending learning opportunities provided by Save the Children and/or Save the Children-supported partners for a duration determined by the implementation. Save the Children-supported partners are defined as those receiving financial or technical support from Save the Children.
Learning opportunities are defined as non-formal and formal education, and includes accelerated programming, child-friendly spaces that incorporate structured learning activities, and other programming that includes children’s learning as central to its aim.
Calculation: Count using attendance records
Data Collection Method / Tool: Attendance records in learning programming
Data Source: Data entered in HART by education backstop upon completion of response activities/ End of Fiscal Year
Who Collects: Teachers / Facilitators or Save the Children / Implementing Partner Personnel
From Whom: Children or Teacher / Facilitators
Frequency of Collection: Each activity / class
Frequency of Reporting: Weekly
How to Count/Aggregate Value: Sum unique values across reporting periods.
Baseline Value Info: N/A