Capacity of civil society actors to engage around advancing and influencing respect for child rights

Indicator Name

% of civil society actors supported by SC and/or its partners reporting stronger capacities to engage around advancing and influencing respect for child rights

Indicator ID in PRIME




This indicator measures the percentage of individual civil society actors who, with support from Save the Children and its partners, reporting stronger capacities to advance respect for child rights and influence the government and other stakeholders. Other stakeholders could include UN/Inter-governmental agencies, multi-stakeholder entities or the private sector.
This indicator is tailored to adult civil society actors, and data is gathered at the individual level, excluding assessments of organizational capacity. Civil society actors comprise a varied group, including members of organizations like NGOs, CBOs, advocacy groups, campaigns, and media organizations. Additionally, independent individuals, such as women's rights activists, human rights defenders, community leaders, environmental activists, among others, are also considered civil society actors.


The number of individual civil society actors supported by Save the Children (SC) and/or its partners who report stronger capacities to advance and influence respect for child rights.


The total number of surveyed individual civil society actors supported by SC and/or its partners (size of a representative sample of supported civil society actors).

Recommended Means of Verification

This indicator can be measured by using Surveys and Interviews: Structured surveys or interviews with individual civil society actors to collect self-reported data on their capacities to advance respect for child rights and influence the government and other stakeholders.
To calculate this indicator, divide the number of individual civil society actors supported by Save the Children (SC) and/or its partners who report stronger capacities to advance respect for child rights and influence the government and other stakeholders by the total number of individual civil society actors supported by Save the Children (SC) and/or its partners OR The size of a representative sample of individual civil society actors supported by Save the Children (SC) and/or its partners. Multiply the result by 100 to convert it to a percentage.


The indicator aims to assess the effectiveness of Save the Children and its partners in empowering individual civil society actors to play an active role in advocating for children's rights and driving positive change. It reflects the extent to which empowerment efforts lead to tangible outcomes.

Indicator Attributes

Indicator Prioritisation

Global Indicator

Level of Indicator


Indicator Context Type



Child Rights Governance (CRG)

Sub Theme

Good Governance Delivers Children's Rights, Monitoring and Demanding Child Rights with Children, Public Investment in Children

Cross-Cutting Themes

Gender Equality, Child Participation

Common Approach

Child Rights Reporting, Child-Centred Social Accountability, Public Investment in Children

Total Reach Indicator


Measurement GuidanceĀ 

Frequency of Data Collection


Unit of Measure


Data Format


Direction of Desired Change


Number of Decimal Points


Indicator is Rounding




Recommended Disaggregations

Age TR, Disability, Gender Group TR, Settlement, Migration Status

Additional Guidance

Level of Data Collection:
Individual Level: Data is collected from individual civil society actors who have received support from Save the Children and its partners.

This guidance was prepared by Rania Sabbah ©

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