# of individuals reached through sanitation activities

# of individuals receiving improved service quality from solid waste management, drainage, or vector control activities


Individuals: People whose living environment has been improved through solid waste management, drainage, or vector control activities will typically include the entire catchment population within close vicinity of the activity performed.  
The quality of “service” they receive is further “improved” in terms of its ease of accessibility, reliability, and/or affordability. Include a description of how the “catchment” population was determined for these activities.

Solid waste management: The process of handling and disposal of waste material which can pose public health risks and have negative impact on the environment if not attended to appropriately.

Drainage: The means of removing surplus surface water in or near settlements. 

Vector control: A variety of initiatives used to limit or eradicate disease-carrying agents (e.g., insects, other arthropods, rodents).

Recommended Means of Verification

Calculation: This is a count of individual beneficiaries receiving improved service quality from solid waste management, drainage, or vector control activities. Each individual should only be counted once, regardless of the number of activities to which they are a beneficiary.

Suggested Data Collection Method/Tool:  Routine monitoring sources or IMPACT
Data Source: Activity Records, Gov / OCHA Population & Admin Records

Who Collects: Save the Children / Implementing Partner Personnel
From Whom: Recipients of assistance / Communities targeted

Frequency of Collection: Monthly/ Quarterly
Frequency of Reporting: Aligned with donor reporting dates / Bi-annually

How to Count/Aggregate Value: Reporting is incremental. In some cases, you may simply sum the values across all reporting periods. In other cases, you may want to only count unique values, eliminating any duplicate participants that may have participated (and been counted) across multiple time periods.

Indicator Attributes

Indicator Prioritisation

Global Indicator

Level of Indicator


Indicator Context Type



Health & Nutrition

Sub Theme


Total Reach Indicator


Measurement Guidance 

Frequency of Data Collection


Unit of Measure


Data Format


Direction of Desired Change


Number of Decimal Points


Indicator is Rounding




Recommended Disaggregations

Age Group TR, Gender Group TR
This guidance was prepared by Ali Aksoy ©

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