# of individuals receiving mental health & psychosocial support

# of children, adolescents and adults receiving mental health & psychosocial support (MHPSS)


Participating in MHPSS services involves more than one-time casual exposure and should be designed to improve psychosocial well-being. Services should be designed around an objective articulated by the partner and participation defined to reflect the anticipated exposure intended to lead to the desired results.

MHPSS (Mental Health and Psychosocial Support): Activities that build a community’s social and psychological resiliency to:

-Survive shock and exposure to potential traumatic events.
-Overcome their impact.
-Strengthen competencies to deal with recurring events and/or crisis

Services may support strengthening positive coping strategies, which become critically important when dealing with the loss of life, losing family members, loss of property, loss of community ties, and other resulting stressors.
This indicator can be used to sum-up the overall reach of the MHPSS interventions / activities targeting program participants. It does not involve training of personnel or individuals reached via external engagements. Accordingly, the indicator covers the following activities;

-Structured or Unstructured MHPSS Sessions provided in facilities or via mobile services, or separate group activities. (e.g, Child Friendly Space vs Mobile Education Facility)
-Referrals that were made to specialized MHPSS and Health service providers
-Individual MHPSS provided through case management, and counselling sessions under Nutrition and health programming.

Recommended Means of Verification

Calculation: This is a count of individuals participated in any kind of MHPSS services.

Data Collection Method/Tool:  Routine monitoring, Attendance Sheets, Activity Reports.
Data Source: Monitoring checklist/form, attendance sheet/records.

Who Collects: Save the Children and Implementing Partner Personnel.
From Whom: Individuals who participated in any kind of MHPSS services, implementing partner staff who manage the MHPSS services.

Frequency of Collection: Data will be collected on an ongoing/rolling/monthly basis.
Frequency of Reporting: Data will be reported in the semi-annual report, annual report, and final performance report.

How to count and aggregate: LOA values are the reported values at the end of the award counting only the unique number of individuals without double counting who participated in MHPSS services.

Baseline Value Info: Baseline value is zero.

Indicator Attributes

Indicator Prioritisation

Global Indicator

Level of Indicator


Indicator Context Type



Child Protection

Sub Theme

Appropriate Care

Common Approach

Steps to Protect

Total Reach Indicator


Measurement Guidance 

Frequency of Data Collection


Unit of Measure


Data Format


Direction of Desired Change


Number of Decimal Points


Indicator is Rounding




Recommended Disaggregations

Age Group TR, Gender Group TR

Additional Guidance

MHPSS (Mental health and psychosocial support) Technical Guidance: This guidance aims to promote an MHPSS approach and to fill critical gaps faced by children, their families, and their communities. It was developed in consultation with SC colleagues & partners and provides information on HOW concretely to implement the actions outlined in the SC MHPSS Cross-sectoral Strategic Framework. The content is equally applicable in development and humanitarian contexts to support the integration of MHPSS in all sectoral programming and the delivery of appropriate and quality MHPSS support worldwide.    

The following two resources can also help you to think on - How to integrate MHPSS in all stage of programming and How to monitor and evaluate success of MHPSS   

This guidance was prepared by Ali Aksoy ©

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