Positive caregiver-child relationships

Indicator Name

% of caregivers who report positive caregiver-child relationships

Indicator ID in PRIME

IN00021407 [%/Annually/Gender Group TR/Cum] 

Indicator Variation IDs

IN00029803 [%/Annually/Gender Group TR, Disability/Cum] 

Donor Indicator ID in PRIME

NORAD: IN00023175 [#/#=%/Annually/Gender Group TR,Disability/Cum]



This indicator measures the percentage of male and female caregivers who report positive caregiver-child relationships.

Positive caregiver-child relationships involve quality one on one time with the child, positive reinforcement and encouragement, appreciation for the child's contributions/help and maintaining calm and respectful communication with the child when conflicts arise (based on the 4 questions on non-violent methods in Safe Families Survey).


Number of male and female caregivers who report positive caregiver-child relationships


Total number of surveyed male and female caregivers who were asked about positive caregiver-child relationships

Recommended Means of Verification

Measuring this indicator requires using the Safe Families Caregiver Questionnaire at the project level which targets parents/caregivers participating in the Safe Families intervention, asking about positive caregiver-child relationships.

If the caregiver responds “most of the time” or “all or almost all the time” to Q.28 AND Q.29 AND Q.30 AND Q.31, then they can be counted towards this indicator.

To calculate the indicator's value, divide the number male and female caregivers who report positive caregiver-child relationships in the past month by the total number of surveyed male and female caregivers who were asked about positive caregiver-child relationships. Multiply the result by 100 to convert it to a percentage.

Indicator Attributes

Indicator Prioritisation

Global Indicator

Level of Indicator


Indicator Context Type



Child Protection

Sub Theme

Appropriate Care, Child Sensitive Social Protection, Protection of Children from Violence

Common Approach

Safe Families

Total Reach Indicator


Measurement Guidance 

Frequency of Data Collection


Unit of Measure


Data Format


Direction of Desired Change


Number of Decimal Points


Indicator is Rounding




Recommended Disaggregations

Gender Group TR


Kobo Form Questions

Q.28, Q.29, Q.30, Q.31

Q28:How often did you spend time with your child one on one?

Q29:How often did you praise, compliment, or acknowledge your child for doing something well?

Q30:How often did you tell your child that you like it when he/she helps you around the house?

Q31: How often did you speak calmly with your child when you are upset with him/her?

Choices: Never, A few/some times, Half the time, Most of the time, All or almost all of the time

Form Questions

Q.28, Q.29, Q.30, Q.31

This guidance was prepared by Lauren Stephens ©

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