Increased access to productive economic resources

Indicator Name

% of participants in SCI and Partner assisted programs who have increased access to productive economic resources (assets, credit, income or employment)

Indicator ID in PRIME




Productive economic resources include- assets (land, housing, businesses, livestock, or financial assets such as savings), credit, wages or self-employment and income.

Eligible programs will include activities to promote participation in micro, small, and medium enterprises; workforce development programs that have job placement activities; and programs that build individuals’ assets (such as land redistribution or titling; housing titling; agricultural programs that provide assets such as livestock; programs designed to help adolescent females and young women set up savings accounts).

Indicator contextualization should specify types of assets and for which interventions participation/ benefit is being measured. This indicator needs baseline value of productive economic resources.  When calculating, if any of the Productive economic resources increase, these counts.

Programs include:

  • value chain activities and market strengthening activities working with micro, small, and medium enterprises;
  • financial inclusion programs that result in increased access to finance, including programs designed to help youth set up savings accounts
  • workforce resilience programs that have job placement activities;
  • programs that build or secure access to physical assets such as land redistribution or titling; and programs that provide assets such as livestock

This indicator does NOT track access to services, such as business resilience services or agriculture, food security or nutrition training.

The base for the indicator is the required indicator for all activities:

PM01- Number of individuals participating in USG food security programs (as a denominator when using the PMIS/IPTT)


From IPTT: calculate the total number of participants who have increased access to productive economic resources (from baseline/ previous period)

From survey: calculate the total number of participants who have increased access to productive economic resources (from baseline/ previous period)


From IPTT: calculate the total number of individuals participating in SCI food security programs i.e., programs designed to increase access to productive economic resources
From Survey: total number of individual program participants surveyed

Recommended Means of Verification

Recommended Means of Verification

This is an adopted and modified indicator from BHA’s Monitoring Indicators for Resilience Food Security Activities and part of ‘Required’ indicator:
- PM34- GNDR-2: Percent of participants in USG-assisted programs designed to increase access to productive economic resources (assets, credit, income or employment) who are female
- PM35- YOUTH-3: Percent of participants in USG-assisted programs designed to increase access to productive economic resources who are youth (15-29)

Difference is that the BHA indicator only measures access whereas the proposed indicator measures increase in access

This proposed indicator can be calculated using 2 methods:


1. From IPTT/ Program records:

- Denominator: From IPTT, calculate the total number of individuals participating in SCI food security programs i.e., programs designed to increase access to productive economic resources
- Numerator calculate the total number of participants who have increased access to productive economic resources (from baseline/ previous period)


2. Alternatively, this can be calculated through survey.

- Numerator: From survey calculate the total number of participants who have increased access to productive economic resources (from baseline/ previous period)
- Denominator: Total number of individual program participants surveyed

Indicator Attributes

Indicator Prioritisation

Global Indicator

Level of Indicator


Indicator Context Type



Child Poverty

Sub Theme

Food Security and Livelihoods

Common Approach

Household Economy Analysis, Life Skills for Success

Total Reach Indicator


Measurement GuidanceĀ 

Frequency of Data Collection


Unit of Measure


Data Format


Direction of Desired Change


Number of Decimal Points


Indicator is Rounding




Recommended Disaggregations

Age TR, Disability [With disability,Without disability], Gender Group TR, Settlement, Migration Status


Form Questions


Key Questions:


  1. Over last one year (or since the XXX project/program started), have you participated in any of the following interventions of the program? - multiple selection (include which are appropriate for the program, examples are illustrative only):
  1. Received Training from the program
  2. Received Livestock from the program
  3. Received Livestock/ agricultural input/ support from the program
  4. Received cash support from the program
  5. Received business support from the program
  6. Supported establish linkage with market/ private sector
  7. Included in Savings scheme/savings group
  8. community-based savings and micro-finance
  9. Apprenticeship or Job placement


  1. Over last one year (or since the XXX project/program started), have any of the following Increased- multiple selection (include which are appropriate for the program, examples are illustrative only):
  1. Asset Livestock: Yes/No
  2. Asset Land: Yes/No
  3. Asset housing: Yes/No
  4. Income: Yes/No
  5. Employment/ Wage-employment: Yes/No
  6. Access to formal Credit: Yes/No
  7. Access to Savings scheme: Yes/No
  8. Diversified livelihood activities: Yes/No


3. If yes (to any of the above), what are the reason for the increase?

This guidance was prepared by Sayeed Shahzada ©

Propose Improvements