# of individuals reached through cash or voucher assistance
Indicator Name
Indicator ID in PRIME
Number of unique boy and girls aged 0-18, and women and men (Above 18) that directly received a cash transfer or a voucher, either directly or as a member of a household that received the transfers.
Directly received indicates that the transfers were managed internally by Save the Children at one point before being transferred to the Program Participant, even though the transfer itself might have been carried out by a partner (another NGO) or financial service provider (bank, phone company, money transfer company, etc). This does not apply to programs where Save the Children engaged with beneficiaries but the transfer funds did not pass through Save the Children’s systems (as can often occur on a World Food Program award).
Calculation: Count of the total number of UNIQUE individual children and adults that are members of a household benefitting from cash or voucher or directly received cash or voucher transfers, regardless of number of transfers they received. Individuals should be counted only once whether they received one transfer or 100 during the reporting period.
Data Collection Method/Tool: Routine monitoring of program documentation as a collaboration between MEAL and program staff.
Data Source: Distribution records triangulated between program distribution reports/attendance records, Program Participant database, financial output data (both internal and of financial service providers), and other program documentation. Outputs should be compared to Cash Transfer Authorization created ahead of the transfers to mitigate reporting errors.
Who Collects: Distribution Team / Enumerators or MEAL Personnel
From Whom: Households
Frequency of Collection: Each distribution / registration
Frequency of Reporting: After each distribution
How to Count/Aggregate Values Across Multiple Time Periods: Data entry should be done incrementally. During reporting period, unique count of individuals that received any number of transfers.