% of individuals provided with technical assistance on Shelter

Indicator Name

% of individuals provided with technical assistance (safe use of emergency shelter materials, shelter reinforcement, training on safe construction practices, Build Back Safer, DRR, CCA)

Indicator ID in PRIME




The " Percentage (%) of individuals trained on safe construction practices" is a performance indicator that measures the quantity and proportion of individuals within a specific population who have received training in various aspects of safe construction practices. This training encompasses a range of skills and knowledge related to emergency shelter materials, shelter reinforcement, Build Back Safer (BBS) techniques, Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR), and Climate Change Adaptation (CCA).


  • Emergency Shelter Materials: This component assesses the percentage of individuals who have been educated on the appropriate selection and use of materials for constructing emergency shelters in disaster-prone areas. It involves understanding the characteristics and suitability of different materials for shelter construction.
  • Shelter Reinforcement: This aspect measures the number and percentage of individuals who have received instruction on reinforcing existing shelters to enhance their structural integrity and resilience against various hazards such as earthquakes, hurricanes, or floods.
  • Build Back Safer (BBS): BBS training focuses on techniques and principles for rebuilding or constructing structures that are more resilient to future disasters. This component tracks the number and percentage of individuals trained in BBS practices.
  • Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR): DRR training covers strategies and actions to reduce the risks associated with disasters. It assesses the number and percentage of individuals educated in DRR measures to mitigate potential hazards and their consequences.
  • Climate Change Adaptation (CCA): CCA training addresses the adaptation strategies required to cope with the impacts of climate change. This component measures the number and percentage of individuals trained in CCA practices relevant to shelter construction and maintenance.


Number of targeted community members with training or awareness raising on the safe use of emergency shelter materials, shelter reinforcement, training on safe construction practices, Build Back Safer, DRR, CCA.


Total number of targeted households.

Recommended Means of Verification

Calculation: Divide the numerator (number on the top) by the denominator (number on the bottom) and multiply by 100.

Data Collection Method: Routine monitoring, beneficiary-based monitoring survey (e.g., PDM)
The implementer can also triangulate the results of this indicator based on how given CVA of NFI support for construction was used in households.
Data Source: Monitoring checklist/form, follow-up assessment form, post-test, questionnaire.

Who Collects: Enumerators / SCI or Implementing Partner staff.
From Whom: Individuals who took part in capacity building on safe construction practices.

Frequency of Collection: Either through tests after the training or after the support provided (NFI or CVA) for households to meet the sphere criteria’s.
Frequency of Reporting: The SCI centre reporting is only on a bi-annual basis 31st of July and 31st of January.

How to Count/Aggregate Value: The technical assistance can be provided different groups in various times, the values can be aggregated based on denominator and numerator values rather than taking the average of percentages. 
Baseline Value Info: Baseline can be assumed as “0” if no training was provided prior, and no pre-tests are being conducted.

Indicator Attributes

Indicator Prioritisation

Global Indicator

Level of Indicator


Indicator Context Type



Child Poverty

Sub Theme

Child Sensitive Social Protection

Total Reach Indicator



Humanitarian/Emergency, Development

Measurement GuidanceĀ 

Frequency of Data Collection

Semi Annually

Unit of Measure


Data Format


Direction of Desired Change


Number of Decimal Points


Indicator is Rounding




Recommended Disaggregations

Age , Gender

Additional Guidance

Usage: This indicator is a critical component of shelter and settlement programs as technical assistance or ´shelter software´ as it is commonly referred to, is an integral part of shelter and settlements responses and valuable for humanitarian organizations, government agencies, and other stakeholders involved in disaster response and recovery efforts in order to maintain accountability to the affected populations. The indicators is used for a range of potential interventions that range from simple communication messages to the communities on the sure of shelter kits, as well as more comprehensive interventions such as skills building for local builders or carpenters for communities to become more resilient to future disasters. It helps to understand the level of preparedness and resilience of a community or population in the face of potential disasters or climate-related challenges. Monitoring the number and percentage of individuals trained in safe construction practices can inform decision-making, resource allocation, and the effectiveness of training programs aimed at building safer and more resilient communities.

This guidance was prepared by Ali Aksoy ©

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