# of households received emergency shelter support

Indicator Name

# of households in need of shelter assistance receiving emergency shelter support (in-kind or CVA)

Indicator ID in PRIME



Number of households receiving emergency shelter support whether through in-kind, CVA or through a mixed modality approach.

This may include:

  • Distribution or purchase of quality and culturally appropriate quality shelter items which may include tarpaulins, tents, CGI roofing, shelter kits, shelter toolkits, timber framing, or other temporary building materials, etc.
  • Return or Transit Support which may include costs for transportation, distribution of temporary shelter items or vouchers supporting families on the move in transit accommodation. This support can also include cash for rental costs for a short period of time in hostels or hotels.
  • Installation of Emergency Shelter Sites which can include the installation of emergency shelters such as Rubb hall tents, communal or tents for emergency shelter support in collective settings such as planned and informal camps.
  • Collective Site Upgrade / Rehabilitation for temporary/emergency accommodation which can include partitioning to separate sleeping areas, installing cooking, resting spacing, water-proofing and installing doors and windows for safety and security.

CVA or in-kind support can be provided for families to receive the emergency shelter support. CVA for emergency shelter support can be provided through various mechanisms (ie direct cash or voucher assistance) and the support may be unrestricted, restricted, unconditional or conditional or a  mixed modality approach is also possible as long as this support is used for meeting the intended outcome.

This indicator particularly requires verification / post distribution monitoring after the distribution to identify whether the support if delivered through CVA was used for shelter or other purposes. This is an important step to understand whether the households have needs that need to be prioritized over shelter.

Recommended Means of Verification

Calculation: This is a count of the total number of households (unique) reached through emergency shelter support by Save the Children or by its implementing partners.

Data Collection Method/Tool: Routine monitoring / Post-Distribution Monitoring
Data Source: Activity records, monitoring checklist/form, registration / distribution records, Goods received note, or financial transaction list / vouchers from hawala agents or financial facilitator if field monitoring is limited.

Who Collects: Save the Children or Implementing partner staff.
From Whom: Households targeted through distributions, or staff who manages / coordinates the distribution activities.

Frequency of Collection: Data will be on an ongoing/rolling/monthly basis.
Frequency of Reporting: Data will be reported in the semi-annual report, annual report and the final performance report. The SCI centre reporting is only on a bi-annual basis 31st of July and 31st of January.

How to Count/Aggregate Value: LOA values are the reported unique values at the end of the award counting only the unique number of households, without double counting, which is reached through emergency shelter support. The household should not be double counted even if it participates in multiple shelter interventions. In overall reach calculations, the implementing office should ensure that they have accurate picture of the extent of the duplication and deduct it.
Baseline Value Info: Baseline value is zero.

Indicator Attributes

Indicator Prioritisation

Global Indicator

Level of Indicator


Indicator Context Type



Child Poverty

Sub Theme

Child Sensitive Social Protection


Humanitarian/Emergency, Development

Measurement GuidanceĀ 

Frequency of Data Collection


Unit of Measure


Data Format


Direction of Desired Change


Number of Decimal Points


Indicator is Rounding




Recommended Disaggregations

Age Group, Gender , Settlement
This guidance was prepared by Ali Aksoy ©

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