# of households receiving essential household items

# of households receiving and using quality, sufficient, locally appropriate essential household items HHIs (shelter and household related NFIs)


Number of households receiving sufficient, essential, locally appropriate household items (shelter, non-food items) and using them for their intended purpose.  The items provided should enable households to restore and maintain essential domestic activities. It is essential to consider different needs according to age, sex, disability, social and cultural practices, and family size. It is also important to priorities access to items for domestic activities, personal clothing, personal hygiene, and to support safety and health. Decide how to deliver the household item assistance effectively and appropriately and consider what can be sourced locally through cash or voucher-based assistance and through local, regional or international procurement for in-kind distribution. Always consider environmental issues related to how items are packaged or delivered. 

Recommended Means of Verification

Calculation: This is a count of the total number of households (unique) reached through household item distributions by Save the Children or by its implementing partners. Note a (HH) Household is a person or group of persons that usually live and eat together. This can include living in shared space (a physical structure or compound) and sharing critical resources such as water, hygiene/sanitation facilities, or food preparation areas.

Data Collection Method/Tool: Routine monitoring / Post-Distribution Monitoring.
Data Source: Activity records, monitoring checklist/form, registration / distribution records, Goods received note if field monitoring is limited.

Who Collects: Save the Children or Implementing partner staff
From Whom: Households targeted through distributions, or staff who manages / coordinates the distribution activities
Frequency of Collection: Data will be on an ongoing/rolling/monthly basis.

Frequency of Reporting: Data will be reported in the semi-annual report, annual report and the final performance report. The SCI centre reporting is only on a bi-annual basis 31st of July and 31st of January.

How to Count/Aggregate Value: LOA values are the reported unique values at the end of the award counting only the unique number of households, without double counting, which is reached through non-food item distribution. The household should not be double counted even if it participates in multiple shelter interventions. In overall reach calculations, the implementing office should ensure that they have accurate picture of the extent of the duplication and deduct it. This might be problematic in a number of cases, if the entire community is receiving support, the implementing office can compare the reach with the total population of the community (if available).
Baseline Value Info: Baseline value is zero.

Indicator Attributes

Indicator Prioritisation

Global Indicator

Level of Indicator


Indicator Context Type



Child Poverty

Sub Theme

Child Sensitive Social Protection

Total Reach Indicator


Measurement GuidanceĀ 

Frequency of Data Collection

Semi Annually

Unit of Measure


Data Format


Direction of Desired Change


Number of Decimal Points


Indicator is Rounding




Recommended Disaggregations

Age TR, Gender Group TR, Settlement

Additional Guidance

Essential household items should be available in sufficient quantity and quality for the following purposes:
-Sleeping, thermal comfort and personal clothing;
-Water storage, food preparation and storage, eating and drinking;
-Cooking, boiling water and heating, including fuel or energy
-Hygiene, including menstrual hygiene or incontinence items (reported under WASH)
-Protection from vectors; for example, mosquito nets (also reported under WASH)
-Fire and smoke safety.

Locally appropriate does not necessarily mean locally produced, but relevant to local needs, cultural norms and practices. Household items should be provided as part of an overall plan and communities involved in their selection and prioritisation where possible. When specifying the type, quantity and quality of the items, prioritise items that are life-saving and consider:

-Essential daily activities at the individual, household and communal levels;
-Cultural norms, appropriateness and traditions;
-Safety and ease of use (with minimal additional instruction or technical guidance);
-Durability, rate of consumption and need for replenishment;
-Current living conditions and arrangements;
-Local availability.

CVA or in-kind support can be provided for families to receive the HHI support. CVA for NFIs can be provided through various mechanisms (ie direct cash or voucher assistance) and the support may be unrestricted, restricted unconditional or conditional and used for the intended purpose.

Implementing partners are strongly encouraged to maintain a database as part of routine monitoring of distribution activities.

This guidance was prepared by Ali Aksoy ©

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