Children experiencing physical or psychological aggression by caregivers

Indicator Name

% of children aged 1-17 years who experienced any physical punishment and/or psychological aggression by caregivers in the past month

Indicator ID in PRIME

IN00020839 [%/Annually/Gender Group TR/Cum]

Indicator Variation IDs

IN00029804 [%/Annually/Gender Group TR, Disability/Cum] 

Donor Indicator ID in PRIME

NORAD: IN00023174 [#/#=%/Annually/Gender Group TR,Disability/Cum]



This indicator measures the percentage of boys and girls aged 1-17 years who experienced any act of violent discipline including physical punishment and/or psychological aggression by caregivers in the past month.

Physical punishment is defined as any physical act intended to cause pain or discomfort, however light, such as shaking, spanking, hitting, slapping, or beating.

Psychological aggression includes acts such as yelling, screaming or calling the child names.


Number of boys and girls aged 1-17 years whose caregivers report that they experienced any act of violent discipline, including physical punishment and/or psychological aggression by a caregiver in the home during the past month


Total number of boys and girls aged 1-17 years whose caregivers were asked about disciplinary methods

Recommended Means of Verification

Measuring this indicator requires using the Safe Families Caregiver Questionnaire at the project level which targets parents/caregivers participating in the Safe Families intervention, asking if they used specified discipline methods with their child in the past month. One target child is selected in each eligible household in the survey. Folow questionnaire guidlines for selection process. 

Particular questions of the Safe Families Caregiver Questionnaire to be used :  Q11, Q12, from Q14 to Q22 which are related to physical and humiliating punishment.


If the caregiver did not respond "Never" to the questions above, then the indexed child is counted towards this indicator.

To calculate the indicator's value, divide the number of boys and girls aged 1-17 years whose caregivers report that they experienced any act of violent discipline, including physical punishment and/or psychological aggression by a caregiver in the home during the past month by the total number of boys and girls aged 1-17 years whose caregivers were asked about disciplinary methods. Multiply the result by 100 to convert it to a percentage.


Any data collection concerning violence must have a referral pathway established prior to collection taking place.

Indicator Attributes

Indicator Prioritisation

Global Indicator

Level of Indicator


Indicator Context Type



Child Protection

Sub Theme

Protection of Children from Violence

Common Approach

Safe Families

Total Reach Indicator






Measurement GuidanceĀ 

Frequency of Data Collection


Unit of Measure


Data Format


Direction of Desired Change


Number of Decimal Points


Indicator is Rounding




Recommended Disaggregations

Gender Group TR


Form Questions

Specific focus should be placed on questions Q11, 12, 14-22 which are related to violent methods.

This guidance was prepared by Lauren Stephens ©

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