Improved social behavior (MHPSS)

Indicator Name

% of children and adults who demonstrate improved mental health and/or psychosocial wellbeing (MHPSS - Improved social behavior)

Indicator ID in PRIME




This is an indicator for use in project logframes which contributes to the strategy outcome indicator '% of children and adults who demonstrate improved mental health and/or psychosocial wellbeing'.

This indicator measures the percentage of children and adults participating in SC mental health (MH) and/or psychosocial support (PSS) programs (standalone or integrated) who report or demonstrate improved social behavior (as one of the 6 dimensions of mental health and psychosocial wellbeing) over a specified time period. Please see guidance on thresholds of exposure.

Social behaviour: The behaviour of an individual in relation to other individuals or groups​. It includes two sub-dimensions​: Prosocial behaviours (behaviors that intend to help or benefit others, e.g., helping, sharing, comforting, cooperating) ​and Antisocial behaviors (behaviors that harm or disadvantage others). It is a strong focus of our work across sectors.

Children: boys and girls under the age of 18.
Adults: includes caregivers, volunteers and professionals aged 18 and over.


Number of children and adults who demonstrate improved social behavior over a specified time period.


Number of children and adults in SC MH and/or psychosocial programs targeting improved social behavior during the same specified time period.

Recommended Means of Verification

Improved mental health and/ or psychosocial wellbeing can be measured through quantitative and/or qualitative measures.

For quantitative assessments, it is recommended that COs use standardised measures which have been validated for the context and the language in which the measure will be administered; and for the age, gender and level of ability of the individuals participating in the assessment.

For standardised/manualised programs or program components, specific MoVs/M&E packages may be recommended by program developers.

For programs/program components that are not standardised/manualised, and/or that do not include MoVs/M&E packages recommended by program developers, COs should refer to the IASC MHPSS matrix or online database to select an appropriate quantitative or qualitative measures or tool.


Guidance: MHPSS Global Indicator Guidance_post Pilot.docx

IASC matrix and toolkit:


The data should capture:
Age of program participant
Caregiver/Adult Type (if they are an adult)
Dimension of mental health and/or well-being:
a) Improved functioning
b) Improved subjective well-being
c) Reduced distress and/or mental, neurological or substance use disorders
d) Improved ability to cope with problems
e) Improved social behaviour
f) Improved social connectedness

To calculate the indicator's value, divide the numerator by the denominator. Multiply the result by 100 to convert it to a percentage.

Indicator Attributes

Indicator Prioritisation

Global Indicator

Level of Indicator


Indicator Context Type



Child Protection

Sub Theme

Appropriate Care, Basic Education, Mother Infant Child Nutrition

Total Reach Indicator


Measurement Guidance 

Frequency of Data Collection


Unit of Measure


Data Format


Direction of Desired Change


Number of Decimal Points


Indicator is Rounding




Recommended Disaggregations

Age TR, Disability, Gender Group TR, Settlement, Migration Status

Additional Guidance

Guidance: MHPSS Global Indicator Guidance_post Pilot.docx

IASC matrix and toolkit:


Further guidance to IASC Common M&E Framework (also available in Arabic, French, Spanish, and Portuguese), with webinar recording and additional material: Link

This guidance was prepared by Lauren Stephens ©

Propose Improvements