Community engagement to advance gender equality
Indicator Name
Indicator ID in PRIME
This indicator looks at the percentage of parents, caregivers, family members, religious and community leaders that have taken action to advance gender equality and girls' rights. Actions may vary depending on the focus of the project and stakeholder group. The purpose of this indicator is to understand whether and to what extent parents, caregivers, family members, religious and community leaders translate their understanding of and/or commitment to gender equality into action.
In addition to disaggregating by sex, age and other dimensions, it is essential for this indicator to be disaggregated by group - e.g. parents, caregivers, family members, religious and community leaders - to understand differences across different groups.
Number of surveyed people who report they have taken action to advance gender equality and girls' rights
Total number of people surveyed
The means of verification for this indicator is being developed and will be published in the future.