Equitable access to quality services

Indicator Name

% of project participants who report access to and utilization of quality, gender-sensitive, inclusive and age-appropriate services

Indicator ID in PRIME




This indicator looks at the percentage of project participants who report that they can equitably both access and use quality, gender-sensitive, inclusive and age-appropriate services. Services include those for e.g. health, learning, family support, protection, social protection etc.

Gender sensitive services are those that identify, consider and account for the different needs, abilities, and opportunities of all girls, boys, women and men. They actively work to remove gender-based barriers and ensure everyone – especially girls, women and non-binary people – can equitably access and use quality services.

Inclusive services are those open and adapted to everyone, including but not specific to adults and children with e.g. different disabilities; in migration; of all ethnic, cultural and religious minority backgrounds; etc. It goes beyond the absence of barriers to also include enablers that actively promote entry and use by people who experience inequality and discrimination.

Quality services are relevant, safe, effective and free from discriminatory barriers. This includes services being tailored to different groups who are impacted by inequality and discrimination.


Number of participants surveyed reporting that they can access and use quality services that are gender-sensitive, inclusive and age appropriate


Total number of participants surveyed

Recommended Means of Verification

The means of verification for this indicator is being developed and will be published in the future.

Indicator Attributes

Indicator Prioritisation

Global Indicator

Level of Indicator


Indicator Context Type



Child Rights Governance (CRG)

Sub Theme

Child Sensitive Social Protection, Good Governance Delivers Children's Rights

Cross-Cutting Themes

Equality & Disability Inclusion

Total Reach Indicator


Measurement Guidance 

Frequency of Data Collection


Unit of Measure


Direction of Desired Change


Number of Decimal Points




Recommended Disaggregations

Age Group TR, Disability, Gender Group TR, Settlement, Migration Status
This guidance was prepared by SCI ©

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