# of individuals participating in awareness raising activities

# of individuals participating in awareness raising activities


This is an indicator to capture the number of individuals reached through awareness raising efforts. It is a cross-sectoral indicator that can be measured under different sectors. Considering that awareness raising is an important soft-component under each sector, and often being done in person or remotely (while maintaining direct engagement with the community members), this indicator is very useful to look at overall reach of the programs. However, it also has a risk of accommodating indirect reach or reach that we cannot necessarily identify and measure how the awareness raising has contributed to changes in a particular group. Therefore, we suggest to only report direct reach under this indicator from such activities (but not limited to) as below. To further emphasize – the below are just example activities and we expect the number of awareness activities by type, to be significantly higher.

  • 1) Hygiene and Health Promotion activities (WASH and Health Programs)
  • 2) Back to school campaigns, Education awareness activities (Education)
  • 3) Child Protection awareness activities including social behaviour change activities (Child Protection)
  • 4) Cooking Demonstrations (Under Nutrition)
  • 5) Awareness raising on the responsibilities and accountabilities of the organizations (Accountability)
  • 6) Awareness raising on early action (Anticipatory Action)

Recommended Means of Verification

Calculation: This indicator is a count of individual beneficiaries who directly participated in awareness raising activities in any programmatic sector.

Data Collection Method/Tool:  Routine monitoring.
Data Source: Monitoring checklist/form, attendance sheet/records.

Who Collects: Save the Children and Implementing Partners (e.g., Nutrition Outreach Workers, Community Based Health workers, Hygiene Promoters).
From Whom: Personnel who took part in person awareness raising activities.

Frequency of Collection: Data will be collected on an ongoing/rolling/monthly basis.
Frequency of Reporting: Data will be reported in the semi-annual report, annual report and final performance report.

How to count and aggregate: LOA values are the reported values at the end of the award counting only the unique number of individual beneficiaries, without double counting, who participated in awareness raising activities, per sector. Important! This indicator should be calculated and reported separately for each sector.
Baseline Value Info: Baseline value is zero.

Indicator Attributes

Indicator Prioritisation

Global Indicator

Level of Indicator


Indicator Context Type



Child Poverty

Sub Theme

Adolescent Skills for Successful Transitions

Total Reach Indicator


Measurement GuidanceĀ 

Frequency of Data Collection


Unit of Measure


Data Format


Direction of Desired Change


Number of Decimal Points


Indicator is Rounding




Recommended Disaggregations

Age Group TR, Gender Group TR

Additional Guidance

Examples of activities not to report under this indicator:
1) Social Media Posts, number of individuals as “seen” and Likes
2) Radio Awareness Sessions (e.g., taking the entire catchment population)

This guidance was prepared by Ali Aksoy ©

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